We are responsible to link the compensation structure of every SOURCE employee to his/her responsibilities as part of SOURCE team. The total compensation in SOURCE will reflect the total responsibility that is required to run the business.
The highest salary in SOURCE will not exceed 10 times the lowest salary in the company (in gross company cost terms). This reflects the equitable balance between the minimum and maximum responsibility of operating our business.
We are responsible to be free of all prejudices, in every form, within our work environment. We will strive to develop an atmosphere free of fear, where equality, respect, tolerance and liberty are practiced and nurtured.
We are responsible to develop and to maintain an effective and cooperative work place. This is a work place where all employees share responsibility, are involved, aware and identify with the company’s goals and activities.
We are responsible to run our company based on the foundation of “open book management.” By creating tools for our workers, our suppliers and our customers to be aware of relevant performance figures and financial results, we enable them to take responsibility and share in their part of the whole.
We are responsible to embrace our company as an extended family. These human relations make duties easy through natural affection. These human relations have deep roots and are long lasting.
We are responsible to enrich the life of our organization with experience, education and training, which in turn generates interest, joy and personal fulfillment.