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Source’s range of outdoor gear will get you prepared for any outdoor adventure. We have designed the most reliable and trustworthy backpacks, camping gear, and safety accessories, to support you in any situation you may encounter. Browse our products below, see all of our funky designs that come with each product, and choose what fits your adventure best.
It’s no secret that our outdoor gear is trusted by a worldwide community of outdoor lovers and enthusiasts. We know just how important having the right gear is when you are out and about, and that is why we pride ourselves on having such reliable gear loved by many.
Our backpacks come in 3 different styles: the Adventure for outdoor hiking and camping, the Athena for city days, and the Metropolis for everyday usage. All our backpacks are incredibly comfortable, with conveniently designed pockets that fit laptops, outdoor gear, and anything else you need.
For security, see our sandals bag keychain wallet and our money belt with a hidden zipper to store your money securely and keep it close to you at all times.
For camping, check out the camping cooking set and coffee stove, to make your meals outdoors, and see the backpack rain cover to protect your bag from the rain when you are outdoors.
The Adventure is the ideal hiking and camping backpack that is designed for big travelers. With adjustable straps, zips at the front and top for easy access, and the option to extend the rucksack by 5 liters, you will be prepared for any day hike in any terrain.
One of the biggest fears when traveling is having your cash stolen. By storing your cash in this money belt, you will keep your money close to you at all times, and there is virtually no way that anyone will know money is there! Simply look inside the belt, there is a hidden pouch. Insert your money, zip it up, and be assured your money is safe and sound.
The Camping Cooking Set and Coffee Stove are the perfect addition to your travel needs. The set is equipped with a gas cooker set and coffee stove, a pot and pan (800 ml), screw-top plastic boxes, 4 insulated stainless steel cups (80 ml each), and 1-liter Liquitainer. With this Camping Cooking Set and Coffee Stove, you will be prepared to make any food item you desire!